26 June 2012

Dieting ... it's hard for dogs too

Weight went up again today compared to yesterday ... oh well, I know I shouldn't weigh myself daily in the first place and stressing about it won't change a thing, although it is definitely not a motivation booster.  Speaking of which, I saw this cute pug on cheezburger today and I thought it was appropriate.  I can so understand this sweetie's craving for a cookie :o) Did you know, I haven't even eaten any chocolate over the past days (even though they're free for grabs in the office kitchen)?  Good on me ! 

Overview of my day :

Breakfast : 11 pts (half skimmed milk 3pts, 45g nestle fitness cereals 5pts, a glass of fruitjuice 3pts and an apple)

Lunch : 18 pts (Summer Bento - most vegetables and fruits 0pts, 100g quinoa 6pts, zucchini/feta terrine 6pts, 1/2 corncob 2pt and the mini clafoutis are 2pts each). Trying to up the points value a bit without resorting to oily or sugary stuff.

Dinner : 16 pts (as appetizer the last piece of zucchini terrine 3pts - unweighed portion of rice 7 pts - terriyaki beef 6 pts)

Unused : 5 pts

Drinks : 2,5 L still water, 20cl perrier

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